Reunion: A Turning Point in the Battle
The tenth episode of Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam marks a significant shift in the ongoing conflict between the AEUG and the Titans. As repairs are underway at the damaged spaceport entrances of Amman, Kamille Bidan continues to work on the Haro robot, while Emma Sheen informs him that the construction of the Gundam Mk-II’s flying armor is nearing completion.
A Glimpse into the Future
Astonaige Medoz reveals to Kamille and Emma that a prototype version of the Zeta Gundam, a mobile suit designed by Kamille, is ready. The Argama plans to send the Gundam Mk-II towards the atmosphere using transforming parts of the Zeta Gundam. This development could potentially change the course of the war.
Shadows of Doubt
Meanwhile, Emma approaches Quattro Bajeena, seeking insight into the AEUG’s plan to attack Jaburo. Quattro’s reluctance to disclose the details of the operation raises concerns about the true intentions of the AEUG. Jamaican Daninghan, on the other hand, suspects that Anaheim Electronics is secretly providing resources to both sides of the conflict, fueling the war for their own gain.
Battle Lines Drawn
As tensions escalate, the Titans launch a large-scale assault on Amman, prompting Kamille and Quattro to defend the city. The battle rages on, with Wong Lee providing crucial backup to Kamille. Just as the AEUG’s fleet manages to escape, the Titans unleash a devastating missile attack on Amman, leaving the city in ruins.
A Familiar Face
In the aftermath of the battle, the Argama detects a stress signal from a nearby ship, which turns out to be the Temptation, commanded by none other than Bright Noa, the former captain of the White Base. Kamille and Quattro launch to investigate, only to find themselves face to face with a mysterious new mobile armor. The enemy retreats, but not before Quattro tests the Hyaku Shiki’s new Mega Bazooka Launcher.
Reunions and Revelations
As the Temptation’s crew boards the Argama, Fa Yuiry suddenly appears, revealing that Bask has taken her parents prisoner due to her relationship with Kamille. Bright Noa’s timely intervention saves her, and Kamille’s hatred towards the Titans intensifies. The stage is set for a dramatic escalation of the conflict, as old alliances are forged and new rivalries emerge.
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