The Magical Ensign Blaster Mari: A Parody of Epic Proportions
In the midst of the One Year War, a peculiar phenomenon emerged in the form of Magical Ensign Blaster Mari, a parody magical girl manga series set in the Universal Century. Written by Kei Ikeda, this series was first published in Cyber Comix between 1989 and 1990, and later compiled into a single volume by Bandai as part of the PURE CYBER COMIX series.
The Story Unfolds
In UC 0079, Mariko Starmine, a fifth-grader at the Zeon 6th Elementary School, encounters the legendary Red Comet on his white horse. He bestows upon her a magical wand, granting her the power to transform into the Magical Ensign, Blaster Mari. As the colony comes under attack by the Earth Federation Forces, Mariko uses her newfound abilities to pilot a custom Zaku I and defend her home.
A Cast of Colorful Characters
The series boasts an array of intriguing characters, including:
- Mariko Starmine, the protagonist and Magical Ensign Blaster Mari
- Michael Starmine, Mariko’s brother
- Ban Starmine, Mariko’s brother
- Dai Starmine, Mariko’s brother
- Mary Hartley, a supporting character
- Char Aznable, the legendary Red Comet
- Lalah Sune, a mysterious figure
- Ramba Ral, a Zeon officer
Mechanical Marvels
The series features an impressive array of mobile weapons, mobile armor, and support units, including:
- MS-05M Zaku I Blaster Mari Custom
- Zaku Z
- MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai
- MS-09R-2 Rick Dom II
- MS-14JG Gelgoog Jäger
- AMX-004 Qubeley
- MAN-08 Elmeth
- MSN-02 Zeong
- Zanzibar-class mobile cruiser
- Chivvay-class
Editions and External Links
The series has been published in various editions, including ISBN 4-89-189103-3 and ISBN 4-84-022821-3. For more information, explore the Universal Century timeline, which encompasses a vast array of TV series, films, OVAs, events, and topics related to the Gundam franchise.
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