The Enigmatic Sarah Zabiarov
Sarah Zabiarov, a complex and intriguing character, was introduced in the anime series Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. As a member of the Titans, she was fiercely loyal to Paptimus Scirocco, but her conscience and empathy often put her at odds with her duties.
- Species: Human
- Classification: Newtype
- Hair Color: Pink
- Eye Color: Green
- Age: 15
- Birth Date: 0072 (U.C.)
- Gender: Female
- Love Interests: Paptimus Scirocco, Katz Kobayashi
- Affiliation: Titans
Vehicles and Pilot
Sarah was a skilled pilot, operating various mobile suits, including the PMX-000 Messala, PMX-002 Bolinoak Sammahn, and RMS-106 Hizack. She also served as a crew member on the Jupitris-class ship.
Real World
In the real world, Sarah was voiced by Yūko Mizutani in Japanese and Maizun Jayoussi in English.
Sarah appeared in various media, including television series, movies, manga, and games. Her notable appearances include Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Zeta Gundam, and Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2.
Personality and Character
Despite her loyalty to Scirocco, Sarah retained a good heart and conscience, which often led to internal conflicts. She formed positive relationships with Kamille and Katz, even though they were on opposing sides. Her devotion to Scirocco eventually turned to obsession, leading to her downfall.
Sarah’s story began as a cadet at the Titans’ private Newtype laboratory, where her talents caught Scirocco’s attention. She was recruited to serve in combat against the AEUG, and her first mission involved an assault on the AEUG’s main battleship Argama. Throughout the series, Sarah’s actions were motivated by her loyalty to Scirocco and her growing feelings for Katz.
Last Battle and Appearance
Sarah’s final battle took place when she accompanied Scirocco to a meeting between Haman Karn and Jamitov Hymen. Katz, who had developed feelings for Sarah, attempted to kill Scirocco, but Sarah intervened, taking the brunt of the attack and sacrificing herself. Her spirit appeared briefly, protecting Katz from Scirocco’s wrath.
Sarah’s character shares similarities with Lalah Sune, including her romantic involvement with a superior officer and her ultimate sacrifice to protect her loved one. Her story serves as a poignant reminder of the complexities of human relationships and the consequences of blind loyalty.
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