Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team
In the midst of the One Year War, the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon engage in a brutal guerrilla war in Southeast Asia. The Zeon’s Apsaras Project, led by pilot Aina Sahalin, holds the key to their victory in the region. Meanwhile, the Earth Federal Army receives reinforcements in the form of Ensign Shiro Amada, newly appointed commander of the 08th Mobile Suit Team.
A Star-Crossed Love
Shiro and Aina have a complicated past, having met during a mutual rescue in space. However, when Shiro discovers Aina’s true identity as the pilot of the Zeon mobile armor, he is arrested for treason. The Federation offers Shiro a chance at redemption: he must lead the 08th MS Team deep into Zeon-held territory to find their hidden base. As the war rages on, Shiro and Aina must decide where their true allegiances lie – with each other, or with their respective sides.
- Shiro Amada (Earth Federation Forces)
- Aina Sahalin (Principality of Zeon)
- Michel Ninorich (Earth Federation Forces)
- Karen Joshua (Earth Federation Forces)
- Terry Sanders Jr. (Earth Federation Forces)
- Eledore Massis (Earth Federation Forces)
- Sally (Earth Federation Forces)
- Rob (Earth Federation Forces)
- Pietro (Earth Federation Forces)
- Mike (Earth Federation Forces)
- Kojima (Earth Federation Forces)
- Jacob (Earth Federation Forces)
- Jidan Nickard (Earth Federation Forces)
- Isan Ryer (Earth Federation Forces)
- Ginias Sahalin (Principality of Zeon)
- Norris Packard (Principality of Zeon)
- Yuri Kellerne (Principality of Zeon)
- Cynthia (Principality of Zeon)
- Gihren Zabi (Principality of Zeon)
- Bone Abust (Principality of Zeon)
- Topp (Principality of Zeon)
- Arth (Principality of Zeon)
- Dell (Principality of Zeon)
- Barry (Principality of Zeon)
- Masado (Principality of Zeon)
- Nielba (Principality of Zeon)
- Runen (Principality of Zeon)
- Walter Janowitz (Principality of Zeon)
- Military Woman (Kergerenko) (Principality of Zeon)
- Maria (Civilian)
- B.B. (Civilian)
- Kiki Rosita (Guerrilla)
- Baresto Rosita (Guerrilla)
- Chibi (Guerrilla)
- Hige (Guerrilla)
- Noppo (Guerrilla)
Mobile Weapons
- Earth Federation Forces:
- RB-79K Ball Type K
- RGM-79[E] GM Early Type
- RGM-79[G] GM Ground Type
- RGM-79[G] GM Sniper
- RX-75 Guntank Mass Production Type
- RX-75 Berge Guntank
- RX-79[G] Gundam Ground Type
- RX-79[G]Ez-8 Gundam Ez8
- Principality of Zeon:
- Apsaras I
- Apsaras II
- Apsaras III
- MS-05B Zaku I
- MS-06F Zaku II
- MS-06JC Zaku II
- MS-06K Zaku Cannon
- MS-06RD-4 Zaku High Mobility Test Type
- MS-06V Zaku Tank
- MS-07B-3 Gouf Custom
- MS-07H-8 Gouf Flight Type
- MS-09 Dom
- MS-14A Gelgoog
- MSM-03 Gogg
- MSM-04 Acguy
- War for Two
- Gundams in the Jungle
- The Time Limit on Trust
- The Demon Overhead
- The Broken Order to Standby
- Battle Line in the Burning Sand
- Reunion
- Duty and Ideals
- Front Line
- The Shuddering Mountain, Part 1
- The Shuddering Mountain, Part 2
- Last Resort
- Music:
- Opening: “Arashi no Naka de Kagayaite” by Chihiro Yonekura
- Endings:
- “10 Years After” by Chihiro Yonekura
- “Mirai no Futari ni” by Chihiro Yonekura (episode 11)
- “Arashi no Naka de Kagayaite” by Chihiro Yonekura (episode 12)
- “Eien no Tobira” by Chihiro Yonekura (Miller’s Report ending theme)
- Short Film: “Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team – Battle in Three Dimensions”
- Publications:
- “Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team Side Story Trivial Operation”
- “Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team Novelization”
- “Mobile Suit Gundam: Ixtab, Goddess of the Fallen Soldiers”
- “Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team U.C.0079 + α”
- Compilation Movie: “Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team – Miller’s Report”
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