Gundam Revolution: Rise of Celestial Being

Rebirth Begins with Destruction

Mobile Suit Gundam 00 is the 11th installment of Sunrise’s long-running Gundam franchise. Directed by Seiji Mizushima and written by Yōsuke Kuroda, this series takes place in the year 2307 AD, where fossil fuels have nearly vanished and humanity relies on three large-scale solar power systems controlled by three multinational power blocs.

Season 1: The Birth of Celestial Being

In this chaotic world, a paramilitary organization called Celestial Being emerges, possessing four highly advanced humanoid mobile suits called “Gundams” and a mysterious technology known as the “GN Drive.” Their goal is to eradicate war through the use of war itself. Led by Setsuna F. Seiei, a young and talented pilot, Celestial Being sets out to change the course of human history.

Season 2: The Rise of A-Laws

Four years after Celestial Being’s initial campaign, the United Nations Forces have established the Earth Sphere Federation, and a new police force called A-Laws has been formed to maintain order. However, A-Laws uses its power to oppress freedoms and ideologies, leading Celestial Being to rise again and fight against this new threat.


  • Setsuna F. Seiei: Pilot of GN-001 Gundam Exia and GN-0000 00 Gundam
  • Lockon Stratos (Neil Dylandy): Pilot of GN-002 Gundam Dynames
  • Allelujah Haptism: Pilot of GN-003 Gundam Kyrios
  • Tieria Erde: Pilot of GN-004 Gundam Nadleeh and GN-005 Gundam Virtue


  • Director: Seiji Mizushima
  • Story & Script: Yōsuke Kuroda
  • Character Design: Yun Kōga and Michinori Chiba
  • Mechanical Design: Kanetake Ebikawa, Takayuki Yanase, Kunio Okawara, and Seiichi Nakatani
  • Music: Kenji Kawai


  • Drama CDs: Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Another Story
  • Music: Openings by L’Arc-en-Ciel, The Brilliant Green, UVERworld, and Stereopony; Endings by The Back Horn, Stephanie, and Ayumi Tsunematsu
  • Publications: Mobile Suit Gundam 00 (Novel), Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Second Season (Novel), and Mobile Suit Gundam 00 -A wakening of the Trailblazer- (Novel)
  • Video Games: Mobile Suit Gundam 00 (Nintendo DS), Mobile Suit Gundam 00: Gundam Meisters (PS2)


  • Mobile Suit Gundam 00 is the first Gundam series animated in widescreen and high-definition.
  • The series won the second place in Animage’s Anime Grand Prix.
  • It was the first Gundam series to air in English prior to the conclusion of its original Japanese run.

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