Gundam’s Pivotal Confrontation: Garma’s Desperate Gamble

Garma’s Ambitious Strike

In the midst of the One Year War, the 6th episode of Mobile Suit Gundam unfolds, marking a pivotal moment in the conflict. Originally aired on May 12, 1979, in Japan, and later on July 30, 2001, in North America, this episode was penned by Masaru Yamamoto.

A Glimpse into the Episode

As the White Base descends to Earth, Bright Noa and his crew are on high alert, monitoring the Gaw’s approach with a fleet of Dopps and the Komusai re-entry shuttle. Meanwhile, Garma Zabi, commander of the Zeon Earth Occupation Force, welcomes his old friend Char Aznable aboard the Gaw. The two discuss the White Base’s capabilities, and Garma seizes the opportunity to prove himself to his older sister and commander, Kycilia Zabi.

Tensions Rise

Back on the White Base, Hayato practices on a simulator while Kai teases him good-naturedly. Sayla Mass arrives, inquiring about the tank’s maintenance. On the bridge, Bright and Lieutenant Reed engage in a heated debate over how to respond to the Zeon forces. Reed advocates for deploying the RX-78-2 Gundam immediately, while Bright insists that Amuro Ray needs rest. The discussion is cut short when the Dopps begin firing on the White Base.

The Battle Unfolds

Amuro requests permission to deploy, despite Fraw Bow’s reservations. However, Bright objects, citing the Gundam’s limitations in mid-air combat and Amuro’s lack of training. Hayato suggests using the RX-75 Guntank, which would be less stressful for Amuro. As the White Base descends, Amuro and Hayato are deployed in the Guntank. Garma responds by sending in a force of Magella Attack tanks, aiming to prevent the White Base from escaping into the mountains.

A Turning Point

As the battle rages on, Bright orders a retreat, but Lt. Reed convinces him to stand their ground, leveraging the civilian crew’s experience with the White Base. The Guntank and White Base come under attack, prompting Hayato to suggest using the Guntank as bait. Amuro refuses to leave the White Base unguarded, and Bright eventually orders him to deploy in the Gundam. Amuro wonders if it’s better to fight alone.

Garma’s Counterattack

Garma, determined to fight fire with fire, deploys three MS-06 Zaku IIs. Aboard the White Base, Amuro rushes to the Gundam, while Kai takes his place in the Guntank and Ryu Jose deploys in a Core Fighter. Char observes the battle, content in the knowledge that Garma’s struggles will vindicate his own failures.

Behind the Scenes

The episode was scripted by Yu Yamamoto, with Eikichi Kojika serving as unit director and Yoshikazu Yasuhiko as animation director.

Trivia and Errors

  • When Kai, Ryu, Hayato, and Sayla rush to congratulate Amuro, Kai is mistakenly colored like Mirai in one shot.

This episode marks a significant turning point in the series, as Garma’s ambitious strike sets the stage for the battles to come.

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