The Ring of Gundam: A Celebration of 30 Years
In 2009, the renowned anime studio Sunrise and acclaimed director Yoshiyuki Tomino collaborated to create a 5-minute CGI short film, Ring of Gundam, to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the iconic Gundam franchise.
A New Era in the Universal Century
The story takes place in a distant future within the Universal Century timeline, where a massive 600-kilometer-wide ring orbits the moon. This setting marks a new chapter in the Gundam saga, exploring themes of memory, identity, and the power of human connection.
Unraveling the Mystery of Beauty Memory
The film follows Eiji, an Earth Federation pilot, as he discovers an enigmatic object known as “Beauty Memory” buried in a high-altitude rock bed on Earth. This mysterious artifact holds the key to unlocking the secrets of Amuro’s memories, a central theme throughout the story.
Characters and Mobile Suits
- Eiji: An Earth Federation pilot who pilots a Gundam-type mobile suit reminiscent of the legendary RX-78-2.
- Yuria: A young woman who escapes with Eiji from a massive explosion at the ring colony.
- Glenn: A middle-aged man and member of Eiji’s team, present at the rock bed site.
- Beauty: A mysterious being known as the “beauty memory,” whose true nature remains shrouded in mystery.
Mobile Suits and Technology
- Unnamed Gundam-type Mobile Suit: A cutting-edge mobile suit piloted by Eiji, bearing an uncanny resemblance to the RX-78-2.
- Skeleton Mobile Suit: A futuristic mobile suit design featured in the film.
A Visual Feast
The short film is a stunning showcase of CGI animation, featuring breathtaking visuals and intricate mobile suit designs. The film’s artwork and character designs have been meticulously crafted to pay homage to the Gundam franchise’s rich history.
Explore the Gundam Universe
Ring of Gundam is just one chapter in the vast and complex Gundam universe, spanning multiple timelines, series, and films. From the classic Mobile Suit Gundam to the latest Gundam Unicorn, the franchise continues to captivate audiences worldwide with its epic stories, memorable characters, and innovative technology.
Discover More
Delve into the world of Gundam and explore its rich history, characters, and technology. With a vast array of TV series, films, OVAs, manga, and video games, there’s always more to discover in this beloved franchise.
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