Roux Louka: The Enigmatic Pilot
Roux Louka, a skilled pilot and member of the Anti Earth Union Group, is a force to be reckoned with in the world of Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ. With her confident demeanor and cunning tactics, she has earned a reputation as a formidable opponent.
Blood Type: O
Gender: Female
Love Interests: Judau Ashta
Affiliation: Anti Earth Union Group
Pilot & Crew
Roux Louka has piloted several mobile suits, including the RX-178 Gundam Mk-II, MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam, MSZ-010 ΖΖ Gundam, MSA-003 Nemo, and FXA-07GB Neo Core Fighter. She has also served as a crew member on the Argama-class and Jupitris-class ships.
Real World
In the Japanese version of Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 and 3, Roux Louka is voiced by Naoko Matsui.
Roux Louka has appeared in various television series, OVAs, and manga, including Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ, Evolve, and MSZG Define.
Personality & Character
Roux Louka is a confident and cunning individual who often uses her charm to get out of sticky situations. She has a patronizing attitude towards her squad mates, which can lead to friction, but she eventually forms strong bonds with them. Roux is also a skilled pilot and actress, able to feign emotions to achieve her goals.
Skills & Capabilities
Roux Louka’s skills extend beyond piloting mobile suits. She is an expert in flirtation and acting, often using these tactics to manipulate others. She is also highly skilled as an MS pilot, able to operate the Zeta Gundam and ZZ Gundam with ease.
Roux Louka joined the Anti Earth Union Group and became the pilot of the Zeta Gundam during the First Neo Zeon War. She formed a close bond with Judau Ashta and eventually joined the Jupiter Energy Fleet with him. Throughout the series, Roux gets into arguments with fellow pilot Elle Vianno, possibly due to their shared romantic interest in Judau.
Roux Louka’s relationship with Judau Ashta remains ambiguous throughout the franchise. Although they grew close during Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ, there were no explicit moments that implied a romantic relationship. In Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, the final cutscene of Roux’ Mission Mode is titled “More than Friends, not yet Lovers.”
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