Uncovering the Hidden Story of Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeonic Front
In the midst of the One Year War, a new chapter unfolds in the world of Mobile Suit Gundam. Released in September 2001 for the PlayStation 2, Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeonic Front takes a bold departure from the traditional formula of Universal Century video games. This time, the spotlight shines on the Principality of Zeon, offering a fresh perspective on the conflict.
A Campaign Like No Other
Zeonic Front’s campaign mode puts players in the shoes of the Midnight Fenrir Corps, an elite Zeon task force. Through 13 missions, the game recounts the events of the One Year War, from the Second Descent Operation to the final stand on the African Front. Experience the war from the ground up, as the Midnight Fenrir Corps faces off against the Earth Federation in intense battles.
Unlock the Secrets of the Principality
Delve into the world of Zeon and uncover the stories of its characters, including Garret Schmitzer, Lou Roher, and Matt Austin. With the ability to play as Federation pilots in the Zeon campaign, players can explore the complexities of the war from multiple angles.
Cutscene Viewer and More
In addition to its engaging gameplay, Zeonic Front features a cutscene viewer, where players can relive the major events of the One Year War. An extended clip narrated by Maj. Garret Schmitzer provides a detailed account of the conflict, from its beginnings to the signing of the peace treaty.
Characters and Mobile Suits
Meet the characters of the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon, including Amuro Ray, Bright Noa, and Char Aznable. Explore the arsenal of mobile suits, vehicles, and support units at their disposal, such as the RGM-79 GM, MS-06F Zaku II, and the Dobday-class.
Experience the War Like Never Before
Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeonic Front offers a unique perspective on the One Year War, one that sheds light on the often-overlooked side of the conflict. Join the Midnight Fenrir Corps and embark on a journey that will change the way you see the world of Mobile Suit Gundam.
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