Mobile Suit Gundam: Record of MS Wars
The Untold Stories of the One Year War
In the midst of the One Year War, a young mobile suit trainee named Frederick F. Brown finds himself thrust into the heat of battle. With Zeon’s declaration of war, Frederick must confront the harsh realities of combat and fight to stay alive.
The Manga Series
Written by Masaya Takahashi and illustrated by Kazuhisa Kondo, Mobile Suit Gundam: Record of MS Wars is a manga side story that delves into the untold stories of the One Year War. Serialized in Comic BomBom from November 1984 to February 1985, this series offers a unique perspective on the conflict.
- First Mission
- The Scorching Heat of Odessa
- Odessa Defense Operation
- Burning at Jaburo
Principality of Zeon
- Frederick F. Brown
- Black Tri-Stars
- Miguel Gaia
- Ortega
- Mash
- Bulk
- Naumann
- Mordell
- Gates
Earth Federation Forces
- Amuro Ray
- Tem Ray
Earth Federation Forces
- RGM-79 GM
- RX-75-4 Guntank
- RX-77-2 Guncannon
- RX-78-1 Prototype Gundam
- RX-78-2 Gundam
- Big Tray-class
- FF-X7 Core Fighter
- Salamis-class
- SCV-70 White Base
- Fly Manta
Principality of Zeon
- MS-06 Zaku II
- MS-07B Gouf
- MSM-07 Z’Gok
- MS-14 Gelgoog
- MS-09B Dom
- MS-09R Rick Dom
- Dodai YS
- Dopp
- Komusai
- Musai-class
- Gaw
- Zanzibar-class
- Dolos-class
Did you know that Mobile Suit Gundam: Record of MS Wars is a unique take on the One Year War, offering a fresh perspective on the conflict?
See Also
- Record of MS Wars II (Sequel)
- Mobile Suit Gundam: Record of MS Wars REBOOT (Reboot)
- ISBN 4-84-020420-9
- ISBN 978-4-84-02042-00
External Links
- Universal Century
- TV series
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