Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Rebellion
The Gundam
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Rebellion is a manga series written by Takashi Imanishi and illustrated by Masato Natsumoto. It was published in Kadokawa Shoten’s Gundam Ace magazine in 2013 and consists of 18 volumes.
The story takes place in the Universal Century timeline, 13 years after the One Year War. The Earth Federation Forces have launched Operation Stardust, a top-secret project to develop a new mobile suit capable of surpassing the RX-78-2 Gundam. The project is led by Anavel Gato, a former Principality of Zeon pilot who has defected to the Earth Federation.
Meanwhile, Kou Uraki, a young pilot from the Earth Federation Forces, is assigned to the Albion, a spaceship that will serve as the testbed for the new mobile suit. As Kou becomes involved in the project, he uncovers a conspiracy that threatens the entire Earth Federation.
The manga series consists of 103 chapters, divided into 18 and volume8..234223) a3324354363332335) a434) a343) a335)3201; Volume 1: A Fomenting Storm; Volume 2: Torrington Base; Volume 3: Real Combat & Explosive Blasts; Volume 4: Into Battle, Albion
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