Mars Century: A New Era for Gundam
The Mars Century timeline, a continuation of the After Colony era, unfolds a new chapter in the Mobile Suit Gundam Wing saga. This narrative thread weaves together the events of New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: Frozen Teardrop, a novel serialized in Gundam Ace.
A New Frontier
In the year MC-0001, humanity embarks on a monumental journey, colonizing Mars. As the red planet becomes a new home, the passage of time is measured in Mars years and Earth seasons, creating a unique chronology.
Key Events
- MC-0012: Hilde Schbeiker and Duo Maxwell part ways, while Duo emigrates to Mars.
- MC-0014: Trowa Barton and Catherine Bloom join the Martian settlers.
- MC-0015: Duo recovers from a motorbike accident and reunites with Hilde, eventually marrying her.
- MC-0016: The Mars Federation deploys its first Mars Suits, while Trowa and Cathy become part of the anti-military movement.
- MC-0017: Four dismantled Gundam frames are discovered, and Father Maxwell encounters Zechs Merquise and his daughter Naina Peacecraft.
A New Generation
As the years pass, new characters emerge. Katherine Oud Winner and her friend Stella enroll at St. Minerva Junior School, while Father Maxwell becomes a bounty hunter to pay off his debts. Meanwhile, Zechs Merquise, aka “Cyrene Wind,” takes on a new identity.
Conflict and Turmoil
The Mars Federation and rebel forces clash, leading to Stella’s tragic death. Katherine hijacks a Mars Suit and joins the rebels, while Quatre Raberba Winner and Doktor T arrive to take her to their base. The Epyon is discovered, and its design data is taken by Master Chang.
A New Era of Leadership
Relena Peacecraft awakens from cryogenic sleep and becomes the President of the Mars Federation, declaring it a pacifist nation. Katherine Winner meets Relena, Naina Peacecraft, and Milou Peacecraft, marking the beginning of a new era.
The Future Unfolds
As the Mars Century timeline progresses, new alliances are formed, and old rivalries are rekindled. Heero Yuy awakens from cryostasis, and Operation Mythos begins. The Lanigreen Republic declares independence, led by a nano-hologram clone of Zechs Merquise. The stage is set for a new generation of heroes to rise and shape the future of the Mars Century.
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