The Gundam Revolution: Uncovering the Secrets of Outer Gundam
In the vast expanse of the Universal Century, a single manga series dared to challenge the status quo. Outer Gundam, written and illustrated by Masahumi Matsuura, is a thought-provoking exploration of the One Year War, delving into the intricacies of mobile suit development and the science behind the Universal Century.
A Loose Interpretation of Canon
Published between 1988 and 1992 in Dengeki Comics, Outer Gundam predates the stricter adherence to canon material, allowing Matsuura to take creative liberties with the lore. This results in a unique narrative that, while not entirely consistent with later works, offers a fresh perspective on the Universal Century.
The Story Unfolds
In U.C. 0067, scientists at Ryanto Heavy Industries in the United States develop the “Robot System” (RS), a precursor to mobile suits. These machines are designed for interstellar travel, laying the groundwork for humanity’s eventual departure from the Solar System. The research conducted during this period would later influence the Earth Federation’s Operation V.
Fast-forward to U.C. 0079, where the Earth Federation begins developing an unmanned mobile suit, the RX-78EX-PH-1 Zephyr Gundam, as part of Operation V. This innovative design, based on the RX-78-2 Gundam, pushes the boundaries of mobile suit performance.
Characters and Mobile Weapons
Outer Gundam boasts a diverse cast of characters, including Colonel Nan, Liang Reihon, and Jack Woodward. The series also features an impressive array of mobile weapons, such as the RGC-80 GM Cannon, RX-77-2 Guncannon, and MS-06-D2 Zaku.
Editions and External Links
Outer Gundam has been published in various editions, including ISBN 4-84-022167-7 and ISBN 4-89-189271-4. For those interested in exploring the Universal Century further, resources such as JA pedia and comprehensive episode listings are available.
A New Perspective on the Universal Century
Outer Gundam offers a fascinating alternative take on the One Year War, delving into the scientific aspects of mobile suit development and the events that shaped the Universal Century. While its loose interpretation of canon may not align with later works, it remains a thought-provoking and engaging addition to the Gundam universe.
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