Gundam’s Forgotten Front: A One Year War Odyssey

Mobile Suit Gundam: Far East Japan

In the midst of the One Year War, three Zeon soldiers find themselves stranded in the “Japan” area of the Far East sector after their Komusai is struck off course. As they navigate this unfamiliar territory, they encounter both Zeon and Federation forces, shedding new light on a hidden front of the war.


The manga, written by Akira Ohtari and published by Shōgakukan, follows the story of these three soldiers as they struggle to survive and complete their mission. Along the way, they encounter a range of characters, including Randall, Velma, and Anne from the Earth Federation Forces, and Gordon Lennox, Will, and Lindsay Shimizu from the Principality of Zeon.


The manga is divided into two volumes, with nine chapters in total. The chapters are:

Volume 1:

  • Chapter 1: The High Window
  • Chapter 2: The Little Sister
  • Chapter 3: Noon Street Nemesis
  • Chapter 4: Killer in the Rain

Volume 2:

  • Chapter 5: Blackmailer Don’t Shoot
  • Chapter 6: The Big Sleep
  • Chapter 7: Playback
  • Chapter 8: I’ll be Waiting
  • Chapter 9: The Long Goodbye


The manga features a range of characters from both the Earth Federation Forces and the Principality of Zeon. Some of the key characters include:

  • Randall, Velma, and Anne from the Earth Federation Forces
  • Gordon Lennox, Will, and Lindsay Shimizu from the Principality of Zeon
  • Jasper Maskelyne, a civilian who becomes embroiled in the conflict

Mobile Weapons and Support Units

The manga features a range of mobile weapons and support units from both the Earth Federation Forces and the Principality of Zeon. Some of the key mobile weapons include:

  • MS-09B Dom
  • MS-06 Zaku II
  • RGM-79(G) GM Ground Type
  • MS-05L Zaku I Sniper Type


The manga has been published in two volumes, with the following ISBN numbers:

  • Vol.1: 978-4-09-124612-7
  • Vol.2: 978-4091246141

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