Mobile Suit Gundam: New Revival of Zeon
The Next Chapter in the Epic Gundam Saga
In the world of Mobile Suit Gundam, the battle between the Earth Federation Forces and Neo Zeon has reached new heights. Mobile Suit Gundam: New Revival of Zeon, a manga sequel to Mobile Suit Gundam: The Revival of Zeon, written and illustrated by Kazuhisa Kondo, takes us on a thrilling journey through the Universal Century timeline.
The Story Unfolds
The manga, published by Kadokawa Shoten and serialized in Gundam Ace magazine since November 2010, follows the epic struggle between the two factions. With its richly detailed storyline, New Revival of Zeon delves into the complexities of war, exploring the motivations and actions of the characters as they navigate the treacherous landscape of the Universal Century.
Chapters and Characters
The manga is divided into ten episodes, each one packed with action, drama, and intrigue. From EPISODE I RETURN to EPISODE X OPERATION LUNA, the story unfolds with a cast of complex and intriguing characters. Meet the heroes and villains of the Earth Federation Forces and Neo Zeon, each with their own unique mobile suits and motivations.
Mobile Suits and Technology
The world of New Revival of Zeon is filled with an array of impressive mobile suits, from the Earth Federation Forces’ RX-79M Gundam Submarine to Neo Zeon’s MAN-010 G-3 (“Ge Drei”) Sturmgeschütz. Explore the cutting-edge technology and innovative designs that shape the course of the battle.
Editions and External Links
Mobile Suit Gundam: New Revival of Zeon is available in various editions, including ISBN 978-4-04-715708-8-C0979. For more information and resources, explore the external links to the Universal Century timeline, TV series, films, OVAs, and events that shape the world of Gundam.
Join the Conversation
Dive into the world of Mobile Suit Gundam: New Revival of Zeon and discover the epic struggle between the Earth Federation Forces and Neo Zeon. With its richly detailed storyline, complex characters, and innovative technology, this manga sequel is a must-read for any Gundam fan.
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