Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory
In the year 0083 of the Universal Century, a powerful mobile suit known as the GP02A is stolen from the Earth Federation’s Anaheim Electronics by a group of Zeon remnants. The thief, Anavel Gato, plans to use the mobile suit to carry out Operation Stardust, a mission to drop a colony on the Earth and hold the planet hostage.
The Earth Federation responds by sending the Albion, a mobile suit carrier, to pursue Gato and recover the stolen mobile suit. Led by Captain Eyphar Sinapus, the Albion’s crew includes a young test pilot named Kou Uraki, who becomes the main protagonist of the story.
As the battle between the Albion and Gato’s forces intensifies, Kou finds himself caught up in a complex web of intrigue and deception. He must confront his own doubts and fears in order to uncover the truth behind Operation Stardust and prevent a catastrophic war from breaking out.
- Kou Uraki: The main protagonist of the story, a young test pilot who becomes embroiled in Operation Stardust.
- Anavel Gato: The leader of the Zeon remnants and the thief of the GP02A mobile suit.
- Captain Eyphar Sinapus: The commander of the Albion and Kou’s superior officer.
- Nina Purpleton: A member of the Gundam Development Project and the head engineer of the GP01 and GP02A mobile suits.
Mobile Suits
- RX-78GP01: A prototype Gundam mobile suit developed by the Earth Federation.
- RX-78GP02A: A more advanced version of the GP01, stolen by Anavel Gato and used in Operation Stardust.
- MS-06F-2 Zaku II F2 Type: A Zeon mobile suit used by Gato’s forces.
- RGM-79 GM: A standard Earth Federation mobile suit used by the Albion’s crew.
- OVA series: A 13-episode animated series that tells the story of Mobile Suit Gundam 0083.
- Compilation Movie: A condensed version of the OVA series, released in 1992.
- Novel: A novelization of the OVA series, written by Hiroshi Yamaguchi.
- Manga: A manga adaptation of the OVA series, illustrated by Mitsuru Kadoya.
- Audio Drama: A series of audio dramas that expand on the story of Mobile Suit Gundam 0083.
- Picture Drama: A series of picture dramas that tell additional stories set in the Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 universe.
- Video Game: A video game based on the OVA series, released in 1996.
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