The Sleeves: A Powerful Force in the Gundam Universe
The Sleeves, a faction introduced in Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn, is a Neo Zeon movement formed from the remnants of Newborn Neo Zeon. Led by the enigmatic Full Frontal, this paramilitary organization operates primarily out of Palau, with secret ties to Zeon sympathizer cells on Earth and government officials within the Republic of Zeon.
Mobile Suits and Arsenal
The Sleeves’ mobile suits consist of older models left over from previous wars, as well as newer, one-off models obtained from Anaheim Electronics’ factory in Granada. Due to resource limitations, they have no plans to mass-produce their own suits. Their arsenal includes the MS-12 Gigan, AMX-101E Schuzrum-Galluss, and MSN-03 Jagd Doga, among others.
Following Newborn Neo Zeon’s defeat in the Second Neo Zeon War, Full Frontal reorganized the remnants into a cohesive group. In U.C. 0096, the Sleeves began ramping up their activity, seeking to use Laplace’s Box to coerce the Federation into allowing the Republic of Zeon to remain independent. However, their plans were thwarted by the intervention of Londo Bell, ECOAS, and the Vist Foundation’s RX-0 Unicorn Gundam. The ensuing conflict, known as the Laplace Incident, saw the Sleeves expend a significant portion of their military power.
Leadership and Members
Full Frontal, a Cyber Newtype altered to resemble Char Aznable, leads the Sleeves. Other notable members include Hill Dawson, Angelo Sauper, Marida Cruz, and Suberoa Zinnerman.
After the Laplace Incident, the Sleeves dispersed, and their military assets were largely destroyed. In U.C. 0097, a group of Republic of Zeon members used the Sleeves’ iconography and name in an attempt to capture the RX-0 Unicorn Gundam 03 Phenex. This group was ultimately defeated by Jona Basta and the Phenex. The Republic of Zeon officially ceded its autonomy and rejoined the Earth Federation in U.C. 0100, marking the end of Neo Zeon movements in the Earth Sphere until the emergence of Mars Zeon in U.C. 0120.
Trivia and Appearances
The Sleeves have appeared in various media, including Mobile Suit Gundam UC: One of Seventy Two, MSG-UC, UC-BD, UC: TToEFF, UC: TNS, and Mobile Suit Gundam UC MSV Kusabi. They have also been featured in novels, games, and manga.
Universal Century Nations and Factions
The Sleeves are part of the larger Universal Century universe, which includes various nations and factions, such as the Earth Federation, Principality of Zeon, Neo Zeon movements, and anti-Earth Federation movements.
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