Uncovering the Secrets of Mobile Suit Gundam: After Jaburo
In the aftermath of the One Year War, a new story unfolds in Mobile Suit Gundam: After Jaburo, a short manga series written by Junya Arai and published by Shogakukan in 2014. This gripping narrative delves into the struggles of Ryuto Sano Turner, a young man grappling with the consequences of his elder brother’s attempted desertion from the Earth Federation Forces during the Battle of Jaburo.
The Story Unfolds
The series, which ran for three issues, explores the complexities of war and its impact on individuals and society. Through Ryuto’s journey, we gain insight into the psychological toll of conflict and the moral dilemmas faced by those involved.
Key Characters
- Ryuto Sano Turner: The protagonist, struggling to come to terms with his brother’s actions
- Itsuse Hiko Turner: Ryuto’s elder brother, whose attempted desertion sets off a chain of events
- Quartz Nimungam: A key figure in the story, whose motivations are shrouded in mystery
- Maya and Rosina Roan: Supporting characters who play important roles in the narrative
Mechanical Marvels
The series features an array of mobile weapons and support units from both the Earth Federation Forces and the Principality of Zeon/Zeon Remnants. Some notable examples include:
- Gundam Ground Type
- FA-78-2 Heavy Gundam
- RX-77-3 Guncannon Heavy Custom
- MS-09 Dom
- MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai
Editions and External Links
For those interested in exploring the world of Mobile Suit Gundam: After Jaburo further, there are various editions and external links available, including:
- Editions: Multiple volumes of the manga series
- External Links: Connections to other Gundam series, including TV shows, films, OVAs, and video games
Immerse Yourself in the Gundam Universe
Mobile Suit Gundam: After Jaburo offers a unique perspective on the Gundam franchise, delving into the human side of conflict and the consequences of war. With its engaging storyline, memorable characters, and impressive mechanical designs, this series is a must-read for fans of the franchise and newcomers alike.
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