Gundam’s Lost Heroes: The Zeon Resistance

Mobile Suit Gundam: The Revival of Zeon

In the year Universal Century 0092, the Earth Federation has gained the upper hand over the Neo Zeon forces stationed on Earth. Despite this, a few Earth-based units have decided to make their way back to space, while others will stay behind and conduct guerrilla warfare against the Federation.


The story follows the operations of the 511th Autonomous Mobile Suit Brigade, led by Lieutenant Frederick F. Brown, as they retreat from Scandinavia, link up with other Zeon forces in Western Europe, take the town of Verboten, and eventually retreat from Earth in anticipation of the Fifth Luna drop.


Episode I: Operation “After Clip”

The Federation launches a surprise attack on a Zeon base, but the Zeon forces are able to hold their ground. Meanwhile, Advance Squadron JG54 launches a counterattack, but one of their mobile suits is shot down.

Episode II: Operation “Withdrawal”

The Zeon forces are forced to withdraw from Scandinavia, and Lieutenant Brown’s unit is tasked with holding off the Federation forces while the rest of the Zeon troops retreat.

Episode III: Operation “Escape”

Lieutenant Brown’s unit is surrounded by Federation forces, but they are able to break through with the help of Ensign Meyer’s Sturm Jaeger unit.

Episode IV: Operation “Break Through”

Char Aznable briefs his officers on the plan to reunify Zeon forces in Western Europe and return them to space before the asteroid drop. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Kurtz leads a successful operation to take the town of Verboten from the Federation Forces.

Episode V: Operation “Return of the Cosmos”

The Zeon forces at Verboten gain access to space and begin their retreat from Earth. Lieutenant Brown’s unit provides the rear guard for the final launch operation.


Earth Federation Forces

  • Stark: Mobile Suit Pilot KIA during the Federation’s drop operation on the Zeon Base
  • Renoman: Mobile Suit Pilot
  • Amuro Ray
  • Madison
  • Haunmann
  • Krank
  • Captain Bright: Only mentioned in passing in dialog between characters

Zeon Remnants/Neo Zeon

  • Lieutenant Frederick F. Brown: Mobile Suit Pilot
  • Bulkhorn: Mobile Suit Pilot
  • Hoover: Mobile Suit Pilot
  • Brick: Ensign with the Earth-based element of the Zeon forces
  • Ziemer: Mobile Suit Pilot
  • Kurtz: Mobile Suit Pilot, a lieutenant who pilots a B-type Sazabi
  • Ensign Mayer: Mobile Suit Pilot, pilots the ORX-005EX (VPKW-005) Sturm Jaeger
  • Casval Rem Deikun: An individual who strongly resembles Char

Mobile Weapons

Earth Federation Forces

  • A/FMSZ-007II Zeta
  • MSA-003 Nemo
  • RGM-79E GM II
  • RGM-86T GM III
  • RGM-89T Jegan
  • RX-178B Gundam Mk-II B
  • SSMS-010 ZZ Gundam
  • PX-00531 ν Gundam Pre-Test Type

Neo Zeon

  • AMS-119A1 Geara Doga
  • AMX-101G Galluss-G
  • MAN-010 G-3 Ge Drei
  • MS-06D Desert Zaku
  • MS-09E Dwadge
  • MS-09G Dwadge
  • MS-09K Dwadge
  • MS-106 Hizack-B
  • MS-106 Hizack-D
  • MS-108 Marasai-E
  • MS-108 Marasai-G
  • MS-108 Marasai-H
  • MS-108 Marasai-S
  • MS-109A Goblin
  • MS-109D Goblin
  • MSN-04B Sazabi Heavy Equipment Ground Type
  • PMX-003 The-O II
  • PMX-005 Breda
  • ORX-005EX Sturm Jaeger


  • Mobile Suit Gundam New Revival of Zeon


  • 1988
  • 1996
  • 2010

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