Mobile Suit Gundam: Lost War Chronicles
In the midst of the One Year War between the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon, two heroes emerge to fight for their respective sides. Captain Matt Healy, leader of a Special Forces Experimental Unit, and Ken Bederstadt, a Foreign Legion Lieutenant working with Zeon, are determined to keep their comrades alive in a war that seems to have no end.
The manga, written by Tomohiro Chiba and illustrated by Masato Natsumoto, is based on the game Mobile Suit Gundam: Lost War Chronicles developed by Bandai. It follows the stories of Matt and Ken as they navigate the treacherous landscape of war, facing off against formidable enemies and making difficult decisions to ensure their survival.
The manga is divided into two volumes, each containing several operations that showcase the intensity and drama of the One Year War.
Volume 01
- OPERATION 0 side A: Matt Healy – At the outbreak of War
- OPERATION 0 side B: Ken Bederstadt – At the outbreak of War
- OPERATION 1: Experimental Unit
- OPERATION 2: Foreign Legion
- OPERATION 3: Odessa
Volume 02
- OPERATION 4: Will to Fight
- OPERATION 5: Fork in the Road
- OPERATION 6: Firm Decisiveness
- OPERATION 7: Rivals! Decisive Battle
The manga features a diverse cast of characters from both the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon.
Earth Federation
- Annie Brevig
- Anish Roffman
- John Cowen
- Larry Radley
- Matt Healy
- Noel Anderson
- Rachel Milsteen
- General Revil
- Matilda Ajan
- Ford Romfellow
- Luce Cassel
- Tianem
Principality of Zeon
- Douglas Rodin
- Garsky Zinobiev
- Jake Gunns
- Jane Contie
- Ken Bederstadt
- May Kauwin
- Yuki Nakasato
- Zeon’s Wave (aka. Kerguerenko)
Mobile Suits
The manga features a range of mobile suits from both the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon.
Earth Federation
- RRf-06 Zanny
- RGM-79 GM
- RGM-79D GM Cold Climate Type
- GM Ground Type
- RGM-79SP GM Sniper II
- RX-75 Guntank
- Gundam Ground Type
Principality of Zeon
- MAX-03 Adzam
- MS-05B Zaku I
- MS-06J Zaku II Ground Type
- MS-07B Gouf
- MS-09 Dom
- MS-14G Gelgoog Ground Type
Vehicles and Support Units
The manga also features a range of vehicles and support units from both sides.
Earth Federation
- Big Tray-class
- Fly Manta
- Magellan-class
- Medea
- Pegasus-class
- Salamis-class
- Type 61 Tank
- Hover Truck
Principality of Zeon
- Dodai II
- Dopp
- Gallop-class
- Gaw
- Magella Attack
- Musai-class
- Papua-class
- Zanzibar-class
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