Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam: A New Era of Space Colonization
In the year UC 0133, ten years after the events of Mobile Suit Gundam F91, a new threat emerges in the form of the Jupiter Empire, seeking to conquer and enslave the Earth Sphere. Against this backdrop, a young boy named Tobia Arronax becomes embroiled in a secret war between the Jupiter Empire and the remnants of the Crossbone Vanguard, a group of space pirates fighting for freedom and justice.
The Story Unfolds
Tobia, originally from Earth, finds himself on Jupiter along with a group of exchange students. However, their trip takes a dramatic turn when the new Crossbone Vanguard, led by Berah Ronah, attacks their ship. As Tobia becomes entangled in the conflict, he discovers that the Jupiter Empire is conspiring to invade and conquer the Earth Sphere.
The Crossbone Vanguard
The Crossbone Vanguard, formed by Berah Ronah and Kincade Nau, is a group of space pirates determined to fight against the Jupiter Empire’s tyranny. Their mobile suits, including the XM-X1 Crossbone Gundam X-1, are designed to counter the Empire’s advanced technology.
The Jupiter Empire
Led by Crux Dogatie, the Jupiter Empire seeks to subject all humanity to its totalitarian rule. With its vast resources and advanced technology, the Empire poses a formidable threat to the Earth Sphere.
- Tobia Arronax: The main protagonist, a young boy from Earth who becomes embroiled in the conflict between the Jupiter Empire and the Crossbone Vanguard.
- Berah Ronah: The leader of the Crossbone Vanguard, determined to fight against the Jupiter Empire’s tyranny.
- Kincade Nau: A former pilot of the Gundam F91, who joins Berah in forming the new Crossbone Vanguard.
- Crux Dogatie: The ruthless leader of the Jupiter Empire, seeking to conquer and enslave the Earth Sphere.
Sequels and Adaptations
The Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam series has spawned several sequels and adaptations, including Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam: Skull Heart, Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam: Steel 7, and Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam: Ghost. These stories continue to explore the adventures of the Crossbone Vanguard and their fight against the Jupiter Empire.
- The Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam series is known for its unique blend of space colonization and mecha action.
- The series has been praised for its critique of the space colonization concept, highlighting the challenges and dangers of abandoning nature’s abundance in favor of a cold, cruel existence in outer space.
The Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam series has been published in various editions, including the Kadokawa Comics Ace version (1995) and the New Edition (2011).
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