South Burning: The Illustrious Pilot
South Burning, a seasoned pilot of the Earth Federation Forces, is a prominent character in the anime OVA Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory. With his striking blond hair and piercing blue eyes, Burning exudes confidence and authority. Born on November 8, 0044 (U.C.), this 39-year-old male pilot has earned a reputation as a skilled mentor and leader.
Affiliation and Vehicles
As a member of the Earth Federation Forces, Burning has commanded various mobile suits, including the RGM-79SP GM Sniper II, FF-S3 Saberfish, RGM-79C GM Type C, RGM-79N GM Custom, and RRf-06 Zanny. He has also served as the commander of the Burning Team on the MSC-07 Albion.
Personality and Character
South Burning is an experienced and respected pilot, known for his exceptional leadership skills and tactical prowess. As a mentor to Kou Uraki, he has demonstrated patience and dedication to his protégé’s growth. Burning’s calm and collected demeanor has earned him the trust of his peers and superiors.
Burning’s illustrious career spans multiple conflicts, including the One Year War and the hunt for the RX-78GP02A. During the One Year War, he commanded the Immortal 4th Team, comprising Bernard Monsha, Alpha A. Bait, and Chap Adel. At the Battle of Solomon, he witnessed the impressive performance of Anavel Gato’s Rick Dom, dubbing him the “Nightmare of Solomon.”
Torrington Base and the Gundam Development Project
After the war, Burning was transferred to Torrington Base in Sydney, Australia, where he oversaw the training of potential candidates and tested new equipment for the Gundam Development Project. He played a crucial role in the simulated battle between the RGM-79 Powered GM and two MS-06F-2 Zaku II F2 Types.
Hunt for the RX-78GP02A and Death
Burning’s team was tasked with retrieving the stolen Unit 02. Despite his injuries, he joined the mission, serving as the combat tactician of the Albion. Tragically, Burning was killed in action during a battle with Zeon mobile suits attached to the Lili Marleen. His death was a significant blow to the Earth Federation Forces.
South Burning’s legacy extends beyond his military accomplishments. He has appeared in various games, including Mobile Suit Gundam: Encounters in Space, Mobile Suit Gundam: Spirits of Zeon ~Dual Stars of Carnage~, and Gundam Versus. In the Super Robot Wars series, Burning often plays a key role among the heroic forces, serving as a senior CO and maintaining discipline.
- In the game Mobile Suit Gundam: Encounters in Space, the Birmingham can be seen sailing by the remains of South Burning’s GM Custom.
- Burning appears in Gundam Versus as the pilot for his GM Custom, with his reputation within the Earth Federation earning him respect from other notable pilots.
- In the Super Robot Wars series, Burning’s canonical death is often averted, with few exceptions.
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