Dragonfly: The Unassuming Reconnaissance Aircraft
In the midst of the Mobile Suit Gundam series, a small, light propeller-driven aircraft caught our attention. Meet the Dragonfly, a reconnaissance aircraft used by the Earth Federation Forces during the One Year War.
A Necessity Born from Necessity
The Minovsky scattering system, which rendered communications and sensor equipment unreliable, created a need for alternative means of communication. The Dragonfly, with its turbine propeller, became the perfect courier for areas saturated with Minovsky particles. Its small size, quiet operation, and ability to fly at low altitudes made it an ideal choice for covert actions.
Pilot Accommodations and Propulsion
The Dragonfly’s canopy-style cockpit accommodates a single pilot, and its turbine propeller provides the necessary power for its missions.
History of the Dragonfly
One notable instance of the Dragonfly’s use was by Zeon double agent Judock, who ferried between Zeon and the Federation, posing as an assistant to the traitorous General Elran.
Technical Characteristics
- Unit Type: Reconnaissance Aircraft
- Operator: Earth Federation Forces
- First Seen: 0079 U.C.
- Pilot Accommodations: Pilot only (in canopy-style cockpit)
- Propulsion: Turbine Propeller
- Movement: Slow, but can fly at low altitudes to avoid detection
- Takeoff Distance: Short, enabling it to launch from the deck of the Big Tray-class land battleship
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Explore more about the Mobile Suit Gundam series, including its various mobile suits, vehicles, and characters.
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