Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn: The Gundam
In the world of Mobile Suit Gundam, the Unicorn is a powerful mobile suit that plays a crucial role in the Universal Century timeline. This article delves into the details of the Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn game, which is based on the first three chapters of the OVA series.
The game is an action-packed robot action game where players take on the role of Banagher Links, Full Frontal, and Marida Cruz. The gameplay features a simple control scheme similar to the Another Century’s Episode game series. Players can transform mobile suits into flight form and engage in intense battles.
Scenarios and Modes
The game features multiple scenarios and modes, including:
- Character Routes: Players can experience the story from different perspectives, including Banagher, Frontal, and Marida.
- Custom Cast Mode: Players can form their own team and take on original challenges.
- Downloadable Content: Additional mobile suits and missions can be downloaded to expand the gameplay experience.
The game features a diverse cast of characters from the Universal Century timeline, including:
- Earth Federation: Riddhe Marcenas, Daguza Mackle, and others.
- Civilians: Banagher Links, Takuya Irei, and Audrey Burne.
- Sleeves: Full Frontal, Marida Cruz, and others.
- Vist Foundation: Cardeas Vist, Alberto Vist, and others.
Mobile Suits
The game features a wide range of mobile suits from the Universal Century timeline, including:
- RX-0 Unicorn Gundam
- MSN-06S Sinanju Stein
- AMS-119 Geara Doga
- RGM-89D Jegan D Type
- RGZ-95 ReZEL
Development and Releases
The game was developed by FromSoftware and published by Namco Bandai Games. The Special Edition of the game includes a Blu-ray disc with a special recap of episodes 1-3 and staff/cast interview archives.
The game features stunning visuals and intense action sequences. Check out the screenshots to get a glimpse of the gameplay experience.
External Links
For more information on the Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn game and the Universal Century timeline, check out the official website and other resources.
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