Mobile Suit Gundam Twilight Axis: Unveiling the Secrets of the Gundam Universe
In the vast expanse of the Universal Century, a new chapter unfolds with Mobile Suit Gundam Twilight Axis, a manga series based on the novel of the same name. Written by Ark Performance and illustrated by Asuza Makishima, this gripping tale is published by Kodansha and serialized in Young Magazine.
The Story Unfolds
The year is Universal Century 0096, several months after the incident surrounding Laplace’s box, also known as the Universal Century Charter. The Earth Federation Forces dispatches a group of investigators to the severed Axis, which is drifting outside the Earth Sphere. Two civilians, Arlette Almage and Danton Hyleg, with pasts tied to the Principality of Zeon and Neo Zeon, join the research group as members. As they infiltrate Axis, they come under attack inside a base where no one should be. The investigators are confronted with an incident they never imagined, leading to a thrilling adventure that uncovers the secrets of the Gundam universe.
Characters and Mobile Suits
The series boasts a diverse cast of characters, including:
- “Mastema” Special Forces: Mehmet Merca
- Birnam: Quentin Fermo, Walter Fermo
- Others: Arlette Almage, Danton Hyleg, Scharnhorst Buch, Engeist Ronah
- Principality of Zeon: Lalah Sune, Char Aznable
- Axis Zeon: Haman Karn, Char Aznable
- AEUG: Quattro Bajeena
- Neo Zeon: Haman Karn, Mineva Lao Zabi
- Newborn Neo Zeon: Char Aznable
The mobile suits featured in the series include:
- Birnam: RX-78AN-01 Gundam AN-01 “Tristan”, RX-160G Byarlant Isolde
- Others: AMX-011S Zaku III Custom, AMX-104 R-Jarja
- Earth Federation: RX-78-2 Gundam, RX-93 ν Gundam
- AEUG: MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki, MSZ-010 ΖΖ Gundam
- Principality of Zeon: MA-08 Big Zam, MAN-08 Elmeth
- Axis Zeon: AMX-003 Gaza-C, AMX-004 Qubeley
- Neo Zeon: AMX-004 Qubeley, NZ-000 Queen Mansa
- Newborn Neo Zeon: MSN-04 Sazabi, MSN-03 Jagd Doga
Editions and External Links
Mobile Suit Gundam Twilight Axis has been published in three volumes by Kodansha, with ISBN numbers 4065110823, 4065131898, and 978-4-06-516135-7, respectively.
For more information on the Universal Century timeline, TV series, films, OVAs, events, and other related topics, visit the external links provided.
- Mobile Suit Gundam Twilight Axis is a part of the Universal Century timeline.
- The series explores the events surrounding Laplace’s box and the Universal Century Charter.
- The manga features a diverse cast of characters and mobile suits from various factions in the Gundam universe.
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