Rescue Mission: Kamille’s Daring Infiltration
In the heart of the Titans’ Kilimanjaro base, a daring rescue mission unfolds as Kamille infiltrates the enemy’s stronghold to save Four Murasame. But little does he know, Jerid is hot on their heels, and a deadly pursuit ensues.
A Desperate Escape
As Kamille and Four flee the base, her conditioning takes hold, and she summons the Psyco Gundam to defend Jamitov Hymen’s shuttle. Jerid reappears in the Byarlant, determined to duel with Kamille, who is desperately trying to reason with Four. The stakes are high, and the outcome is far from certain.
Tragedy Strikes
In a shocking turn of events, Jerid’s attack on the Psyco Gundam proves fatal, and Four meets her untimely demise. Kamille is consumed by grief, his emotions raw and unbridled.
Episode Highlights
- Deceased: Four Murasame
- Introduced: RX-160 Byarlant
Behind the Scenes
- Script: Akinori Endo
- Unit Director: Kunihisa Sugishima
- Animation Director: Hiroyuki Kitazume
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Episode Guide
Explore the entire series, from “The Black Gundam” to “Riders in the Skies”, and relive the epic battles and emotional moments that make this anime a classic.
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