Unleashing the Fury of the Earth Attack Force
In the midst of the One Year War, a powerful faction emerged to shake the foundations of the Earth Federation. The Earth Attack Force, led by the cunning Garma Zabi, was one of the three principal branches of the Principality of Zeon’s military. Its primary objective was to launch a full-scale invasion of Earth, and by September U.C. 0079, it had already conquered two-thirds of the planet’s surface.
A Force to be Reckoned With
The Earth Attack Force was divided into five regional branches, known as Terrestrial Mobile Divisions. These divisions were strategically stationed across the globe, with the 1st in Europe and Central Asia, the 2nd and 3rd on the west and east coasts of North America, the 4th in Oceania and Australasia, and the 5th in Africa and the Middle East.
Mobile Weapons and Vehicles
The Earth Attack Force boasted an impressive arsenal of mobile weapons and vehicles, including the MS-06FS Zaku II, MS-08TX Efreet, MS-09 Dom, and MS-06J Zaku II Ground Type. Its vehicle fleet consisted of the Dopp, Magella Eins, PVN.44/1 Weasel, Magella Attack, and Gaw.
A Key Player in the War
The Earth Attack Force played a significant role in the war, particularly when the SCV-70 White Base escaped from Luna II to Earth. Char Aznable, a skilled pilot, contacted Garma Zabi, informing him that the V Project had been found. This led to Garma preparing for Char’s arrival, setting the stage for a pivotal battle.
Appearances in Media
The Earth Attack Force has made appearances in various forms of media, including the OVA series “08th MST: #2 – Episode #11” and “IGLOO 2: TGF”, as well as the manga “MSG: LWC “Mobile Suit Gundam: Lost War Chronicles (Manga)” and “Aggressor”. It has also been featured in the video game “Mobile Suit Gundam: Journey to Jaburo”.
Did you know that the Earth Attack Force was created in February U.C. 0079, with the sole purpose of invading Earth? Its swift conquest of the planet’s surface was a testament to its military prowess.
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