Gundam Otaku Girl: The Unbridled Passion
In the world of anime and manga, there exists a unique breed of enthusiasts known as “otakus.” Among them is Ganota Utsuki, a young woman with an unrelenting passion for Gundam. This adult comedy manga, written and illustrated by Uroaki Sabishi, follows Ganota’s journey as she navigates her daily life while keeping her intense love for Gundam a secret.
The Story Unfolds
Ganota, a successful office worker, has vowed to change her ways and lead a more normal life. However, her love for Gundam proves to be an insurmountable obstacle. Her interactions with her coworkers and friends are filled with Gundam references, much to their confusion and amusement. Meanwhile, she must contend with her handsome and capable love interest, Kishiri, who harbors a deep-seated hatred for Gundam.
Chapters of Chaos
The manga is divided into three volumes, each filled with humorous and relatable chapters. From Ganota’s struggles to conceal her Gundam obsession to her misadventures with her friends and colleagues, every chapter is a testament to her unwavering dedication to the franchise. With chapter titles like “Suddenly a Gundam Otaku Again!” and “The Fall of a Gundam Otaku,” readers are in for a treat.
Characters and Cameos
Ganota Utsuki, the protagonist, is a lovable and quirky character whose love for Gundam knows no bounds. Her interactions with Kishiri, Makabe, and other characters are filled with humor and wit. The manga also features a range of supporting characters, each with their own unique personalities and quirks.
Trivia and Fun Facts
- Ganota Utsuki’s name is a play on the phrase “otaku-gan,” meaning “Gundam otaku.”
- The manga features numerous references to various Gundam series, including Mobile Suit Gundam and Zeta Gundam.
- Ganota’s love for Gundam is so intense that she has a special “Gundam mode” that she enters when she’s excited or stressed.
Editions and External Links
The manga has been published in three volumes, with ISBN numbers 9784047139886, 9784047150775, and 9784047151673. For more information on Gundam and its various iterations, visit the Universal Century timeline page.
In conclusion, Gundam Otaku Girl is a heartwarming and hilarious manga that celebrates the passion and dedication of anime enthusiasts everywhere. With its relatable characters, humorous storylines, and numerous Gundam references, this manga is a must-read for anyone who loves the franchise.
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